Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Contest

P.S  To those of you who do not have flowers up yet you can do a pic. from a previous year.  I thought by this time everyone would have flowers but it seems not!  :)  Sorry to those of you! 
Hey girls!  Next Mon. will start the May Flowers Photo Contest!  I have two entries so far so make sure to send in yours this week!
For more details check the Photo Contest Tab above!  And pass the word along!  :D


Tracy said...

I think this is a neat idea, but we are only just starting to get green grass and have no flowers up yet. If you do this again next year I think June would be a better time for northern MN. :) Tracy

Daniel and Rachel said...

Oh wow, I wish we had flowers here already!! :) Our grass is ready to be mowed already, and the flower PLANTS are up, but no buds yet...